Friday, June 1, 2012

Architecture Project

The end of the school year is here and as a final wrap up project in engineering we were given the task of finding a client and creating a building/structure for that client based on their needs.  Our group decided to redesign the costume and prop room from our schools theater. Both rooms are cramped and make it difficult to access objects needed so we decided it would be a good idea to redesign the rooms so that they are more efficient. I joined forces with Brooke and Sean in order to complete this project.

  1. First, I showed Brooke and Sean the costume and prop room to give them a sense of how cramped cluttered and ineffective both the rooms are at housing the costumes and props for CoSA and I talked to Adrian (my CoSA tech teacher) about letting us design an new prop and costume room for technical theater.
    This is what Sean came up with
  3. Secondly, I talked with the prop room manager Caroline in order to get an idea of what she would like to see in a new prop room. (See gave us the idea of creating a UCLA Prop Room like design)
  4. During the weekend Sean created a model on Minecraft of a prop room with a costume room and dressing rooms. Sean's Mom advised him to make the girl's dressing room bigger in order to accomadate the ladies.
Here are our brainstorming sketches: ALL of them are very SIMPLE because we worked backwards and created sketches that could be easily built in minecraft.
 Here was our first sketch which was just a simple two sided room where big props such as couches and tables would be placed and small props would go on the other side.
This idea was based off of the UCLA prop room where all of the bigger props are on the bottom level while stairs lead up to an upper floor where small props would be kept in order to have easy access to big items.

This was our last sketch based on the design the Sean created in Minecraft.

Computer Generated Model of Our Final Design: This model is my attempt to create a CAD replication based off of Sean's design.
Hope you like our designs!
After showing the ideas so our client, we gained some great feedback that we could use to redesign our structure.
  •  +: spacious, supermarket feel for small props, dressing room especially the girls dressing room
  • change: accessability to prop and costume room, more room for bigger props
  • ?: "Why combine the rooms"
  • !: Ramp for accesability of bigger items

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Train O' Rage


Thank goodness. My rage was about to snap from the Cow Catcher. Goodness am I happy =].

Friday, March 23, 2012

Egg Drop Challenge

That was our first try and it worked.... really well.

Little background story on how that came to be. It started we wanted it to roll out like a toliet paper roll. But everytime we did it when to fast. So as we were rolling it back up I drop it a little and that cool looking spiral happened. Automatically Michael and I had the same I idea. Let it spiral down. We began working on it the problem was we couldn't find a place to put the egg. Michael had been working on  helicopter design. The part on the bottom. His was effective but the crashing was too harsh. So we decided to attach them both. And well... it worked really well, and it looked cool.

By far one of my favorite projects I have ever done. It was a ton of fun to think of something abstract. Michael and I decided we didn't want to do anything redundant. So we came up with that abstract device. We still have no name for it, but I am really proud of it.

Last, I would like to point out how everyone said that ours wouldn't work because of how unfundemental it was. How it looked at if it would break because it would be made from construction paper.... We were the first succeed at dropping the egg.

Idea's and such fun stuff. Number 6 was the idea at first then we modified it. Also the material list is on there.
Idea Generation Achievements


-Create a sketch of one possible solution. Include labels.
-Create a sketch of another possible solution. Include labels.
-Create a sketch of a third possible solution. Include labels.
-Use a decision matrix to justify the approach you chose.

The pictures above have 6 possible ideas.

Material Prep
-Generate a list of materials required for build day.
-Document a plan to ensure materials are brought in on block day.
The list of materials and our names (Micheal and myself) names are next to the materials we were to bring in.

Build Achievements

Material based Achievements:
(your egg is not included in the material size)
(air is ubiquitous and not included in material size. "Rare" commodities like helium are.)

-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box
-Your materials fit inside a shoe box
-Your materials fit inside a cigar box
-Your materials fit inside an Altoids box
Our definitly fit inside of the printer paper box, and a shoe box.
Material Weight:
(your egg is not included in material weight)
-Your materials weigh less than 500 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 300 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 200 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 150 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 100 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 50 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 25 grams.
Our weighed 36.5 grams.

Drop Achievements

Drop Accuracy:
-You hit the butcher paper!
-You hit inside the third ring!
-You hit inside the second ring!
-You hit inside the first ring!
-You hit the Bullseye!

We hit the bullseye the first time and the second ring the second time. Pretty good in my opinion.

Drop Time:
-Your solution takes less than 1/2 second to hit the target!
-Your solution takes more than 2 seconds to hit the target!
-Your solution takes more than 3 seconds to hit the target!
-Your solution takes more than 4 seconds to hit the target!
-Your solution takes more than 5 seconds to hit the target!

After reviewing the video it took about 5 seconds to hit the ground.

Egg Resilience:
-Your egg broke but the yolk remained intact.
-Your egg cracked but the yolk stayed inside and intact.
-Your egg cracked but was still together.
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)

Our's never broke.... Mission accomplished.

Calculation Achievements
-Describe an aspect of the event using arithmetic.---->
-Describe an aspect of the event using geometry.----->
-Describe an aspect of the event using algebra.----->
-Describe an aspect of the event using calculus.----->
-Seek out additional instruction from your math teacher in support of a Calculation Achievement.----->

Communicate Results Achievements
-Create promotional materials for your design.
-Model your solution using CAD software.
-Create a multiview drawing of your CAD model.
-Dimension your multiview drawing.

Other Achievements
-Help set up the Bullseye.
-Come up with a clever name Mr. Olson uses for an existing Achievment.
-Design an Achievement Mr. Olson approves for next year's Egg Drop Challenge.
-Suggest a redesign to the activity that Mr Olson confirms he will use for next year's Egg Drop Challenge. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Number 1

Number 3

Number 5

Number 6

Number 9

Number 10

Changes to Learnring

The video was great. I am not learning Calculus at the moment but I plan to next year. I watched the introduction video which was very helpful. He explained everything well and allowed me to understand the basic concept. I wish for more examples though because the more the better.

I believe we should "Flip the Classroom". Are learning is based around people that didn't have our technology and our intellect. We need to change it to our times like, computers, video games, TV, etc have to make life easier for everyone.


Khan Academy!

Learning some mathematics. :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I believe this is all of them. I went through the documents there is a chance I may have missed some if I have please tell me. I will get them up ASAP.

Circular Pattern


Tapered Extrusion




Midplane Extrusion

Paper Clip--- Sweep

Pattern Along the Walkway

Rectangular Pattern





Wrist Band

1.    What 3-D CAD functions could be used to create a wire coat hanger?
 You would propably want to use the fillet and chamfer options to create that bend for the coat hanger. Also you the drill hole to make the middle part.

2.    What feature would be used to create a 3-D representation of a spindle that was created on a wood lathe?
 The thread function would be best to create a spindle.

3.    How does a 3-D CAD solid model program keep track of the changes that are made to an object?
 On the side there is browser that stores anything you have done to the object.

4.    If a mistake is made, how does the user make a correction without using the undo function?
You can use CTRL + Z or you can click the back arrow near the top of the page.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Provide a breif description of the activity. Who did you work with? What did you build? What challenges did you overcome to succesfully craft your aircraft?

The activity had groups build their own airplanes out of a kit. I worked with Micheala, and we built the airplane that was instructed. The main challenge of the entire project was keeping the plane together. Putting the pieces together and then keeping them in place posed quite the challenge.

2) Post a photo of your glider under construction.

3) Post a photo of your finished design.

4) Describe how you tested your aircraft and tuned its flight characteristics.

We tested the plane by flying it a few times outside We changed the rubber band tightness and also made the wings a little stronger to help stabilize it while flying.

5) Describe how well your aircraft flew in our competition. Did you win any events (furthest distance, longest time aloft)? Were you competitive in our best decorated flier competition?
On the first try our plane with the farthest by far. Making it half-way across the court. We won the furthest distance. We were competitive defiantly in the best decorated... It's hot pink.

6) Pick three steps from the PLTW 12 step design process and describe how your team worked through these during the course of this experience.

1. Define the Problem- We had to build a plane that competed to be best in class with the rest.
2. Make a Prototype- We Built the plane at first with a not so powerful propeller and bigger wings.
3. Test- We tested the plane and discovered it didn't go straight and didn't fly for very long which was problematic. 
4. Refine- We changed the large wings to tinier wings and made the propeller stronger by tightening the rubber band.

Monday, February 27, 2012

1) What was the “Moneyball”approach that Billy Beane and Peter Brandt applied to the Oakland Athletics 2002 season? Was it an “art” or a “science”? What single statistic did they boil their value consideration down to? (In class research/discussion)

      They wanted to find the best value for players. By replacing their best players using OBP. They boiled the entire statistic down to OBP, because it takes runs to wins, and to win you need bass runners. The approach is more scientific because it uses statistics.

2) What is the equation used to calculate OBP? (In class research/discussion)formula:

3) What is design? (In class research/discussion)

    Design is coming up with the best possible solution and forming it to the needs of what you are performing.

4) Describe 3 situations where movie characters (intentionally or not) applied a step from the PLTW 12 Step Design Process. Explain both the (a) situation as well as (b) how the step is relevant:1 - When Billy Beane traded away Jeramey Giambi. He did this because the process was not working and he believed it would benefit the team.

2 - When Billy Beane hired Peter Brandt to help form the team. This is relevant because he helped put everything together and tell Billy who was needed.

3 - When putting the team together he got rid of Pena so that his design would help better the team. He had a plan to help the team win. So he got rid of something the was preventing that.

5) What is “Leadership”? (In class research/discussion)1 - Direction- Giving clear vision of the groups goals.
2 - Alignment- Keeping everyone in line, and putting the team together.
3 - Committment - Committing yourself to the plan and sticking to it, so no one doubts you.

6) Describe 3 circumstances from the story where a character exercised effective leadership:
1 - After the A's lost a game. And Jermey Giambi was partying Billy got rid of him because he was bringing the team down.

2 - Bought Peter Brandt to help the team get better.

3 - Billy had Peter Brandt fire Pena because he need to learn to grow-up and help the team.

7) According to the movie, what was the A’s record at the start of their winning streak? 68: 51

8) What does this ratio simplify to (roughly)? .000013 : 1

9) How long was the A’s record setting winning streak? 20  games won.

10) Given the A’s win/loss ratio at the start of the streak (listed two questions above), what are the odds of winning 20 games in a row? Run the numbers. (In class research/discussion)

.000013 chance of winning 20 games in a row.

11) Based on your calculation, do you think the A’s got lucky or was there something to the Moneyball approach?Luck always has something to do with winning that many games in a row. Although the statics did help and having the right team can always help too.

12) Did Billy Beane strictly apply the “science” of Moneyball to his management approach? Was there an “art” to his efforts as well? Describe a circumstance where he broke from the Moneyball approach to make a positive change for the team.

I feel it was mainly science. Although he did depend on it he went against it when he traded away Jermey Griambi. He had his own approach modified to what was going to work.